In Interview with Max Klemmer, Miss Germany’s executive officer
5 min readJan 14, 2021
One of the MG contestants enjoying the new getbaff feature

In an interview with Max Klemmer, executive partner in third generation of the Miss Germany Corporation about their partnership with getbaff.

By now we have worked on a couple of cool projects together. But for those that do not know you, Max, would you like to introduce yourself a bit, and tell us something about you, who you are, what you do?

My name is Max Klemmer. I am an executive partner in the third generation of the Miss Germany Corporation. We are a family company and take care of production, events and everything else that belongs to “Female Empowerment” for the Miss Germany Corporation. We are building platforms for women to exchange, inspire each other. We just want to provide them with a stage, to spread the topic of Female Empowerment as much as possible.

It’s great that you are supporting Female Empowerment. What we, of course, are interested in: How come that you came into touch with us and we started supporting you with our tech? Maybe you could tell us what your thoughts were before we started this partnership.

I had heard about getbaff before we got into touch, and stumbled over Oma Doris over Instagram a few times as well. So I already knew and saw that there was something really exciting about this tech.
And then we actually got in touch — simply over a cold call, specifically an email. It was very fascinating. We quickly got to chat with Hendrik Gottschalk over a video call, which was the best way to go about it given the current difficult times. I was quickly enthused by the energy that Hendrik was exuding, and then swiftly the entire team, when I ended up getting to know e.g. Rosa Rashed.
We as a family company put a lot of focus on energy, a good team, and we want it to be a good fit on a personal level. And you guys convinced on a personal level, and with what was possible with your technology and some creativity. So many different use cases that we could use — I was flashed by the examples. Oma Doris explaining it had a lot of humor.
That convinced us from the get go, and all three generations agreed “Wow, this is a unique and special tech”. So we quickly decided that we needed to find our perfect use case with getbaff. I believe that we had some genuine success with our interesting projects.

Thank you for the feedback from us across the team.Would you like to tell us specifically what we have done specifically?

Personally, I found the combination of events and experiences with people who weren’t even there, very exciting right at the start.
Of course, due to the Corona pandemic, we now have a number of challenges in our day-to-day business, where, for example, people were unable to travel to the event. So we used getbaff and made exclusive content available via business cards, folders or posters, so that master classes could still take place at our events, even though no one was present.
But still getbaff created this very special feeling that the sender, even though they were not on site, were still on my screen — and it somehow felt to be only there with me on my screen. So there was always this very special connection. And that was really well received.
There were a lot of people who didn’t know the technology at all and suddenly a poster came to life on their cell phone, or later business cards or autograph cards came to life. This really created crazy, exciting, new feelings, even if you didn’t know it before, and it really opened up new possibilities for us to get into contact, for one, with our participants. Normally, we would do personal surprise visits, which is understandably imposible now — there, fortunately, getbaff has been on our side and helped us send out postcards and similar. Then through these postcards we evoked personal experiences by having personal messages play on this postcard.
So very exciting. You can really feel the joy of trying something new, from our side and from getbaff’s side, too. It’s easy to contact, as someone is always available, including the tech team or the responsible managers. I can only rave about that.

That definitely makes us very happy. And finally, I would be interested to know how this solution was received by your customers, how it was applied and how people felt about it?

Everyone took it well. You have to explain it at first, of course: Take your phone, then hold your camera onto an object — a postcard, the poster, a rollup or whatever — and let it take effect. When this surface suddenly starts to appear as a video, and only this surface moves, it’s a very special feeling, that is not just a QR code that then refers to some page, but that this surface can truly be experienced.
It went down incredibly well with our corporate partners, but also with our candidates, as this personal aspect was brought to live. There were a lot of “aha!” moments. “Aha, I can also use this for myself!”, said some corporate customers in the B2C area, especially given the current time. We also sent out some parcels.
And because you wouldn’t have a personal connection on site, with a retail store or downtown, meant that you could instead send these packages that would still have a personal touch. We have a large shoe retail partner — in a box that we sent to them and more, we could create a personal bond via postcards or other surfaces, which were received very positively.
The way I felt during the first conversations when I got in touch with getbaff is the same as everyone else felt. I haven’t heard anyone who, when they say it in action, say “that doesn’t make any sense!”. On the contrary, people immediately would think of other applications. I think there are many exciting ways to use this tech, you just need to dare to try it out. getbaff has been so relaxed and flexible, and willing to help us experiment and try new things. That’s why I can only say that I personally am a big fan of getbaff.

That’s quite a statement! Thank you so much for all that feedback, and thank you so much for your time.

Ralf Klemmer (MG), Rosa Rashed & Hendrik Gottschalk (getbaff), Max Klemmer (MG)

We from the getbaff family are more than grateful for the successful cooperation with Miss Germany, as well as the smooth execution of all the projects. Miss Germany is a reliable, loyal and open-minded partner with a great team, that is filled with ideas and a vision that fully matches ours. Working with Miss Germany always fills us with great joy and we are excited about upcoming projects. Female Empowerment is a topic that we care about deeply, so we are even happier to be able to support and promote the importance of this movement with our tech.

